Monday, May 6, 2013

Endeavor To Persevere


The open wound on G’s knee is healing oh so slowly.  The doctor ordered a wound V.A.C. be put on the wound on April 12th to speed up the healing process.  G endured three weeks of the wound V.A.C. therapy while tethered to an electrical outlet.  The battery could last up to six hours when unplugged.  During the times when G was unplugged, he had to carry the wound V.A.C. slung over his shoulder like a purse.  The wound V.A.C. did its job.  It came off four days ago.  It was a great relief for G.  We are back to dry bandaging, this time over collagen strips.

Two months with an open healing wound has culminated in a very sore knee.  The skin and tissue surrounding the wound has become irritated and sore.  However, there is no sign of infection.  All looks well, but G’s knee is sore, and he is limping almost as badly as he was before the knee replacement surgery.
March and April were difficult months with us alternating in turn in the battle to keep our spirits positive.  The black hole beckons.  It has been an unusually cool, grey and rainy spring in Georgia spreading a bit more gloom on this already weary and sometimes discouraged couple. 
Because of the MDS (which is not being treated now), G's blood counts are currently dropping, and he may need intervention soon to boost his WBC.
We must be getting close to the finish line, but we can’t be sure.  We find ourselves close to giving up and in danger of sliding down into the black hole.  We must soldier on to the finish line.  This will end eventually, right? 
Click on the link below and give the following song a listen.
"It's Going to be Alright" - Sara Groves



  1. You need a diversion. A Mexican food party, or go the Ant Circus, or Ostrich Races.

  2. It's going to be alright. Jesus holds you in the palm of His hand and you are safe.

    I love the song. Thank you.
